Bonded Labour Liberation front Pakistan rewarded with the following Achievements with a tripartite approach and this struggle will continue till the total eradication of Bonded Labour

BLLF Released and rehabilitated more than 85000 Bonded labourer in Pakistan , Credit goes to The leadership of Syeda Ghulam Fatima

1. Bonded labour and child labour acknowledged by the Government and Started a mega project EBLIK with RS.5000 million in Punjab

2. All District Vigilance Committees (DVCs) have been reactivated in Punjab, BLLF is member in 15 Districts.

3. A Provincial committee for the eradication of bonded labour is Constituted BLLF is member of this Committee.

4. More than 9500 Social security cards issued to the brick kiln workers in Punjab .

5. 22, CBA Trade unions Registered 9 in Kasur, 5 in Lahore, 4 in Pak Pattan and 4 in Multan Districts of Punjab .

6. 1 Brick Kiln Workers Federation Punjab established and under registration process. Two Brick kiln workers Federations Registered in District Kasur and Sheikhupura .

7. 60 legal minimum wage cases are in process with wage commissioners and 2 awarded Rs 1.7 millions

8. Minimum wages have increased to Rs 1110 since 2013. to 2017, almost 100% increase in Five years . 665/=740/=Rs 888 /= Rs.962/=and Rs.1110/= for 1000 ordinary brick .

9. 5 Members based network for eradication of bonded labour establish in 17 District of Punjab , keeping good relation with the Key stakeholders.

10. Media is taking very active role for the eradication of bonded labour national and international level.

11. More Than 11000 CNICs processed and delivered to brick kiln workers with the support of NADRA

12. 300 students enrolled and completed successfully Adult literacy Program, 170 Female and 130 Male in four sessions of six month each .

13. 600 women got skill development training during three years ,

14. A continuous awareness raising program enhanced the civic sense of brick kiln workers to understand their legal rights and responsibilities.